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From nature to your home office

21-04 i From nature to your home office

In recent times, with the appearance of Covid-19, we have gone from the daily office routine to missing it. When working from home, there can be several aspects that deprive us of motivation and make us feel more anxious. Thus, we invited all our customers, partners and friends to take part in a challenge: share their offices with us at home - #fromnaturetoyourhomeoffice challenge! 

Share with us and the Muratto world what this experience is like for you, working from home daily. And if you have a work or leisure space in your home where you use Muratto materials, we would also love to see it.

Altogether, we are going to fight the loneliness and monotony of these times, and animate social networks with our sharing.

You can send your photos or videos to, or just reply to our publications at:

And, most importantly, stay safe and healthy! :)

